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The key to connecting with customers

QR Code Generator

Boost your targeted customer reach and increase efficiency for your business with easy and lightning-fast QR code usage!

Don't miss the opportunity to take your business to a more innovative and convenient future.


Our Customers

Trusted by over 1800 agencies and 30,000 companies worldwide.


Revolutionize Your Marketing

We have a plethora of creative ideas for utilizing QR codes to help businesses, non-profit organizations, and cities better interact and connect with their customers.

Our system provides you with the ability to create QR codes with various features, making it easier than ever to manage information and track access metrics.

Additionally, we provide you with a comprehensive management interface, helping you efficiently manage large groups and businesses.

Take advantage of this growing trend for your business now.


Not Just Black and White Anymore

QR Codes represent much more than just a simple black-and-white pattern. They are a powerful tool for businesses to communicate and engage with their customers livelyively.

From business cards to t-shirts, and even mobile apps, QR codes allow customers to easily access brand-related information by simply scanning the code with their mobile device.

At our company, we understand the importance of creating unique and eye-catching designs for your QR. Our goal is to help you attract customers and enhance your brand with our creative and innovative solutions.

With our custom designs, your QR codes will stand out from the crowd and leave a lasting impression on your customers, making your brand unforgettable.

Let us help you make the most of this powerful marketing tool and take your brand to the next level.


Data Analytics at Your Fingertips

To evaluate a successful marketing campaign or not, we need to monitor and assess the indicators. QR Gateway has a complete and fast QR code performance tracking and analysis system that helps you evaluate the potential of your running campaign.

At QR Gateway, we understand the importance of tracking and analyzing your campaign's performance. That's why we've developed a complete and fast QR code performance tracking and analysis system that helps you evaluate the potential of your running campaign.

Our system provides you with real-time data on your QR code's performance, including the number of scans, the location of the scans, and the type of device used. With this information, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaign and maximize its impact.

Our platform is easy to use and provides you with detailed insights into your campaign's performance. So, if you want to ensure that your marketing campaign is successful and achieving its goals, let QR Gateway help you track and analyze your QR code's performance.


What We Do for your Success ?

No worries, no confusion

No worries, no confusion

Integrating QR Codes during initial planning and adding content only when ready to go live, even after printing, provides peace of mind and avoids confusion. You can edit your codes anytime and anywhere to ensure accurate messaging and seamless user experience.

High image quality and variety

High image quality and variety

Our QR codes always maintain high resolution, regardless of where they are printed. You can download them in various formats, including JPG, PNG, SVG, or EPS, to ensure they look great on any medium.

Designs available

Designs available

We offer a vast selection of stunning layouts and logos to satisfy even the most demanding clients. Enhance your marketing campaigns and ensure a perfect success by choosing from our diverse range of designs.

Make a great first impression

Make a great first impression

Customize your QR code's URL to be short, memorable, and stand out from competitors. Additionally, use your domain to build brand loyalty and make an excellent first impression.

Accurate statistics

Accurate statistics

Our detailed tracking and statistics allow you to collect information about your QR code's users, both passively and actively. This information provides valuable insights to help optimize your marketing campaigns.

Smart customization

Smart customization

Our platform offers the ability to lock your QR code at any time, and our Smart Redirect feature is tailored to your device. Additionally, we integrate with third-party services to offer you an all-in-one QR code customization experience.

What Our Clients Say
About Us?

"I used QR Codes to share websites for wedding invitations. QR Codes are perfect and work on all platforms making sharing this information with friends and family seamless."
Alaya Walsh
Alaya WalshWriter
"The customer support service is super friendly, knowledgeable and takes the time to fix your problems if they arise. I have nothing wrong to say, they are unique, and I look forward to using QR Gateway in the future for many years to come."
Lawrence Holland
Lawrence HollandCEO & founder
"QR Gateway is the best QR code platform by far! As a web developer, I have tested a lot, and none of them even reach the capabilities of QR Gateway."
Vincent Vu
Vincent VuDeveloper
"The website works great! It is straightforward to use and gives you a lot of great information. Any of your questions have them answered immediately. No more searching for a QR site, and you've come to the right place. I found them because of all their excellent reviews. All reviews were correct!"
Libby Mcdonald
Libby McdonaldDesigner
"We are new to QR codes and have been using QR Gateway for over six months. Our teams love how easy it is to create, design and deploy QR codes. In addition, QR Gateway also has excellent customer support."
Esmee Allen
Esmee AllenSales Manager
"QR Gateway is a great service. I've been using them for the past 4 months, and I highly recommend them."
Kacper Bennett
Kacper BennettMarketer

Your Own System

Build a QR code management system OR integrate it into your own information syste

Small program for businesses

Small program for businesses

Support for businesses with several modules in marketing, product management and measurement.

API Integration

API Integration

Integrate the QR code generation system by API. Now you don't need to create a QR module in your system.

Standalone database

Standalone database

Provide an independent cloud database for each user can be used to connect to third-party tools.